Most days, my life is lacking in the adventure department.
I'm a stay-at-home mom and most of the time I’m lucky if I get to take a shower, change into a clean t-shirt and pair of yoga pants. When the kids bedtime comes around I'm exhausted, touched out and ready for a break.
Sound familiar?
I’m Melissa. I'm a Mother, wife, artist + nature lover. I have an avid sweet tooth and a deep appreciation for wine. (If you can survive this motherhood gig without coffee or wine, you deserve an award or something.)

I sacrifice everything for my family, not unlike you. My life is full of irony. I'm bored, yet exhaustively busy. A little lonely, yet SO touched out. (Feeling some Alanis Mourisette vibes right now. You're welcome, you'll be singing her song "Ironic" for the rest of the day.)
How do I maintain my sanity? Taking a little time every morning before the kids wake up to sketch and dream of adventure... and enjoy HOT coffee... of course.
I'm inspired by adventure, mostly because motherhood parallels it so well. It's exciting, stressful, exhausting, discouraging, triumphant, and at the end of it we all look back and say "Wow. I did that." And inevitably we wish we could relive that exhausting adventure all over again... (so they say).
The name Grins & Grace® was inspired by my daughter and my "Grandma Grace", but also the 2 main necessities I feel all Moms need to survive Motherhood. It's about embracing the chaos and finding a reason to grin, while also being gracious with ourselves in the season we are in.
Thanks for getting to know the Mom behind the madness. Feel free to check out my shop or get your own adventure started with 15% OFF your first order! You'll gain access to special discounts, new arrivals and the first info on sales!