The Shop Is Closing...

The Shop Is Closing...

"And suddenly you know it's time to start something new & trust the magic of beginnings." -Meister Eckhart

I'm sad to say that after much thought, I've decided that it's time to step away from the shop and close my apparel business. For quite sometime, I’ve felt this tugging at my heart, but I just couldn't bring myself to say the words out loud.

My heart and soul has been poured into this business.

The last few years have been full of personal growth and heartaches. The loss of my best friend, a mother of 3, has shown me that life is short and the time that we have is never promised.

I don't want to spend my life hustling. I want to slow down. I want to enjoy my family, spend time in nature and help my husband grow our homestead.

Living tiny and homesteading has been life changing. I've learned how priceless time freedom is. I've seen first hand how beautiful it is to live simply. I know this is the direction I’m being called to go.

For this reason, the shop is now closed.

To all of my loyal customers, I will forever be grateful to you for your unwavering support. You’ve been there with me through thick and thin. You were there during the lonely Army Wife years, the uncertain deployments, and the many moves.

You made it possible for me to stay home and raise my babies, and for that I will never be able to thank you enough.

This place will change a bit over the coming months. You’ll see a lot more about Motherhood on the homestead and the great outdoors.

I started this shop as a way to keep Moms connected to nature during one the hardest seasons they'll ever endure. I still plan to build that community here, for the Moms (like me) who need it.

Thank you for being here with me.

A New Adventure Awaits!

XO -Mel

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